John Adamski, PhD
Math 39200-E: Linear Algebra and Vector Analysis for Engineers, Spring 2017
Syllabus, Demos
10.7Vector Functions and Space Curves3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 17-22, 28, 29, 42-45, 47, 51, 54, 57-65 oddSolutions
10.8Arclength (arclength only)1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12Solutions
13.1Vector Fields5, 6, 9, 11-18, 21, 23, 25, 29Solutions
Quiz 1Wednesday, 2/15/2017Sections 10.7, 10.8 (arclength only), 13.1Solutions
13.2Line Integrals4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 31, 37, 39, 43, 44, 46, 47Solutions
13.3Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals1, 2, 3-21 odd, 25, 27-31Solutions
13.4Green's Theorem1, 4, 5, 7, 9-12, 19, 21-23, 28Solutions
Quiz 2Wednesday, 3/8/2017Sections 13.2-13.4Solutions
13.5Curl and Divergence1, 3, 7-11, 13, 17, 19, 20, 23-26, 29-31Solutions
13.6Parametric Surfaces and their Areas1, 3, 11-14, 16-20, 22, 25, 29-41 odd, 57Solutions
Quiz 3Wednesday, 3/29/2017Sections 13.5-13.6Solutions
13.7Surface Integrals1, 4, 5-31 oddSolutions
13.8Stokes' Theorem1-3, 5-8, 10a, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17Solutions
MidtermWednesday, 4/19/2017Sections 10.7, 10.8, 13.1-13.8Solutions
13.9The Divergence Theorem2-4, 7-9, 12-14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 27Solutions
Ch 1Matrices and Matrix Algebra1-15 allSolutions
Ch 2Solving a System of Linear Equations with Elementary Row Operations1-7 allSolutions
Ch 3Varieties of Systems of Linear Equiations1d,f,g; 2c,f,j; 3d,f,g; 4a,d,e; 5; 6a,b,d,e; 7Solutions
Ch 4The Determinant of a Matrix1-9 allSolutions
Quiz 4Due Monday, 5/15/2017Section 13.9 and Chapters 1-4Solutions
Ch 5The Inverse of a Matrix1-5; 6a,b,c; 7-10; 16a,b,dSolutions
Ch 7The Eigenvalue Problem3a-f; 4a,b,e,f + Practice in Notes
Quiz 5Due at Final ExamCumulativeSolutions
Review Session 1Monday, 5/22/2017 4-6pmNAC 8/133
Review Session 2Tuesday, 5/23/2017 12-2pmNAC 8/133Review
Final ExamThursday, 5/25/2017 3:30-5:45pmNAC 0/201Solutions