John Adamski, PhD

Fordham Math 1206-R06: Calculus I, Fall 2020

Course Links

Office Hours

My office hours this semester will follow the schedule below. Please click the appropriate link to join via Zoom.


*Please email me at before office hours begin to let me know you will be coming.

Another resource for help with your math coursework is the (online) Fordham Math Help Room. It is staffed with faculty and senior students. No appointment is necessary to come to the Help Room -- assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Any student enrolled in a mathematics course at Fordham is welcome to come and seek help. There is no charge for this service. The schedule is available here. Simply join via Zoom here. I will be there Tuesdays 9-11am.

Course Documents


8/28/2020Recitation: Algebra and Trig ReviewNotesVideo
8/28/2020Welcome, 1.1 Four Ways to Represent FunctionsNotesVideo
9/1/20201.1 continued, 1.3 New Functions from Old Functions, 1.4 The Tangent and Velocity ProblemNotesVideo
9/4/2020Recitation: 1.4 continuedVideo
9/4/20201.5 The Limit of a FunctionNotesVideo
09/8/20201.6 Calculating Limits Using the Limit LawsNotesVideo
09/11/2020Recitation: 1.7 The Precise Definition of the LimitNotesVideo
09/11/20201.8 ContinuityNotesVideo
09/15/20202.1 Derivatives and Rates of ChangeNotesVideo
09/18/2020Recitation: 2.2 The Derivative as a FunctionNotesVideo
09/18/20202.2 continued, 2.3 Differentiation FormulasNotesVideo
09/22/20202.3 continuedNotesVideo
09/25/2020Recitation: 2.4 Derivatives of Trigonometric FunctionsNotesVideo
09/25/20202.5 The Chain RuleNotesVideo
09/29/20202.6 Implicit DifferentiationNotesVideo
10/02/2020Recitation: 2.8 Related RatesNotesVideo
10/02/20202.9 Linear Approximation and DifferentialsNotesVideo
10/06/20203.1 Maximum and Minimum ValuesNotesVideo
10/09/2020Review for Midterm ExamNotesVideo
10/13/2020Midterm Exam, Instructions
10/16/2020Recitation: 3.2 The Mean Value TheoremNotesVideo
10/16/20203.2 continued, 3.3 How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a GraphNotesVideo
10/20/20203.3 continuedNotesVideo
10/23/2020Recitation: 3.3 continued, 3.4 Limits at Infinity, Horizontal AsymptotesNotesVideo
10/23/20203.4 continued, 3.5 Summary of Curve SketchingNotesVideo
10/27/20203.7 Optimization ProblemsNotesVideo
10/30/2020Recitation: 3.7 continuedNotesVideo
10/30/20203.9 AntiderivativesNotesVideo
11/06/2020Recitation: 4.1 Areas and DistancesNotesVideo
11/06/20204.1 continued, 4.2 The Definite IntegralNotesVideo
11/10/20204.2 continued, 4.3 The Fundamental Theorem of CalculusNotesVideo
11/13/2020Recitation: 4.3 continuedNotesVideo
11/13/20204.3 continued, 4.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change TheoremNotesVideo
11/17/20204.5 The Substitution RuleNotesVideo
11/20/20206.1 Inverse FunctionsNotesVideo
11/24/20206.2* The Natural Logarithmic FunctionNotesVideo
12/01/20206.3* The Natural Exponential FunctionNotesVideo
12/04/20206.4* General Logarithmic and Exponential FunctionsNotesVideo
12/08/2020Review for Final Exam (all sections listed above)NotesVideo
12/15/20201:30-3:30pm, Final Exam (all sections listed above), Instructions